Now the boating season 2021 is closed and I have lifted my boats Arronet and sailboat up. Both boats were painted with Silic One.
The boating season has been extremely sunny and warm here in southern Finland. Sea water temperature around my area have been 2 1/2 month over 20 degrees and risen to maximum 25 degrees. The area where the boats have moored is a shallow bay area (2-5 meters) in the Archipelago Sea.
I calculated my driving hours with Arronet under 50 h. I use Arronet mainly as a connection boat between mainland and island. So most of the time the boat has been stationary in the boat harbor or in the shallow bay area in the island.
This year my sailing activities were limited and I only managed to sail two weeks in the Archipelago Sea.Water conditions in Finland
Otherwise the boat has been 7 months stationary in the shallow and warm bay area.
I would say the conditions were quite harsh for the antifouling paint.
Silic One Fouling Release System performance on Arronet
- Fully clean bottom! Practically no barnacles and other subaquatic organisms in the painted area.
- Waterline: only some slime/subaquatic organisms was attached in the waterline
- Stern and trims: Only some slime/subaquatic organisms were attached in that area
I am very happy with the good results of Silic One in Arronet!
- Waterline: only some slime/subaquatic organisms was attached in the waterline
- Stern and trims: Only some slime/subaquatic organisms were attached in that area
I am very happy with the good results of Silic One in Arronet!

Silic One Fouling Release System performance on Bavaria sailing boat
- Only some/few barnacles in the bottom but more other subaquatic organisms were attached in the bottom.
- Waterline: subaquatic organisms were attached, specially in the starboard side of the boat
- Keel was fully clean! Rodder clean, only a bit of slime.
Considering my sailing time, only two weeks and the warm and shallow sea water environment, I am very happy for the results of the Silic One in my sailboat.
- Waterline: subaquatic organisms were attached, specially in the starboard side of the boat
- Keel was fully clean! Rodder clean, only a bit of slime.
Considering my sailing time, only two weeks and the warm and shallow sea water environment, I am very happy for the results of the Silic One in my sailboat.
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